Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mimi The MeMe - A Fable For Your Pleasure

Once upon a balmy day there lived a MEME.

Meme's are beautiful and happy creatures that don't understand the words can't or shouldn't or NO. There is no need to understand these words because Meme's live in a world of absolute perfection.

All Meme's are diferent in their personalities and complexities of individuality but even so are very much on the same wavelength.

Each day Mimi Meme gets up from her comfortable kingsized bed, from beside her gentle but manly mate and stretches.  Mimi loves to stretch her supple and healthy body, it feels so good! She wanders into her kitchen where a varied and abundant selection of food awaits her tingling palette. Mimi loves to eat and she naturally gravitates toward organic and lovingly grown foods.

She wanders into her special funcreation rooms to dilly dally on her milliondollar projects and check her! Everyday she recieves exciting news from friends afar and invitations to participate in life changing events.

There is a plethera of ideas sparkling around Mimi and she plucks them as necessary to enhance her projects.

Mimi doesn't worry about money because her projects seem to open the door for flushes and flushes of diamonds and gold...paper money too in case your Meme ever needs to wonder about money, the universe is tapped in and turned on where memes are concerned, of that there is no question!

Fun and exciting things occur constantly in Mimi meme's life. She enjoys every breath she takes...she watches her children and then their children be born and grow.

Happy, oh so HAPPY and healthy.

She watches their Memeness find its hold and maturity, she watches with joy and wisdom.

When Mimi reaches 105years she takes a long smiling breath. She can see her legacy of love and happiness in Meme land.
She can see more Meme adventures laid out before her.

She pats her pocket where the ribbon connections to all her little meme's lie and she knows that as a multidimensional beng it is fine to leave this focus and move into another story.

Mimi exists in all dimensions and in Meme land no one is sorry to see her go because they know it is only a blink of the eye and a desirous thought that will have her there again....

Mimi picks up her book, careful not to lose the page and steps onto the escalator of neverending love!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Awesome Educators!

Affirming your excellence as an educator is important. The more often you make positive statements about yourself to yourself, the deeper you ingrain the concept in your mind.
Summon up the feeling that is attached to the words and dwell in it, you WILL see results. The more often you do this the quicker the results will reveal themselves.
I AM an excellent teacher!
      Your mind is powerful it will do all it can to make your statements a truth.
With consistent, self-loving effort, you will find yourself inspired to act in certain ways. Ways that support the statements you are making and believing about yourself.
      When you are willing to be open to the giving nature of the universe and life around you, your natural inclination will be to excel.
      Your desire to give children the connection and education that is most important will be realised by your simple willingness and diligence in following your highest path and listening to your heart.
      We as educators are the most influential people after parents in children’s lives.
When we affirm ourselves consistently we make monumental headway into augmenting positive change and a better future for all.

For your copy of the I AM INSPIRATIONAL!- Educator's Handbook, please go to

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Is Fear My Friend?

I am afraid of my shadow...flinching and jumping, I catch myself in the mirror AHGHHH FRIGHT NIGHT and that is any time not just with my morning hair! People are looking at me, what are they thinking? I am in a state of high anxiety...causing me to walk awkwardly down the street as though acute self analysis is a GOOD thing, when really it is turning me into a jerky puppet...taking away my fluidity and access to perfect alignment with source.

That was a me of the past.

Intent on discovering the truth, my committment to awareness enlightened me to incapacitation underneath the weight of ego, it's attachment to 'survival' and the fear evoked by any and all perceived threats against said survival.

Little by little over the years I have uncovered my attachments, explored my fears of death, intimacy, success and happiness. And the one conclusion that dominates each individual exploration is that I CHOSE each fear as a means to an end.

Fear WAS my friend, or so I thought. I used it to manipulate, to avoid, to protect my body and to keep myself receiving the attention that fear will bring if used accordingly. There was a considerable personal payoff for hanging on to my fear.

For example; Intimacy- I was unconsciously both afraid and fascinated by men due to my past experiences and the social and environmental information I had compiled from birth in relation to them.

My fear of men helped to keep them at arms length- I would seek relationships but be unable to be happy within them. I could easily engage my fear and utilise blame, keeping myself safe from truly connecting and facing up to myself; thus healing.

On inspection, Fear of INTIMACY translates into a fear of getting to know the self. It makes sense really, when in a relationship with another we project our fears and insecurites onto them all the better to see ourselves and to grow. Once we recognise the reflection for what it is and take responsibility for those very flaws, distasteful attitudes and unlikeable qualities we are seeing in the other we will begin to step through the veil of intimacy.

The FEAR is that if I look into myself I simply may not like what I see, I may find the programming that I am not good enough is actually true. Hence KEEP THOSE RELATIONSHIPS AWAY!!

Of course looking into the self and witnessing one's thoughts, emotions, fears and realities will always show the same thing...that it is ALL programming and NOTHING is true but for one infinitessimally magnificent, unsayable reality. Our GODlike perfection, our pure sense of source...see it's unsayable I would have to launch into poetry to even get close!

Fear is one of those ROUNDABOUT things...Judgment of others can alert us to our own fears. We are funny beings tending to take the roundabout approach rather than face up to things directly.


In my martial arts class their are three green belts, I am one of them. One of the other green belts is a big, strong ex- Israeli Military soldier. He is TOUGH, he can throw you around with ease and he has a good handle on the techniques of his belt level.
A grading was looming and the tough guy was not invited by the instructors to grade as he had not developed the humility, centredness or chi power necessary to further his belt level. He was relying on brute strength to perform the techniques.

When he found out that I had been invited to grade his face went cold and his energy toward me was hard and angry it pushed at my being and for a little while made it difficult to train with him, his energy registered in me as DANGER...

Two days before the grading, tough guy raced up to me in the dark carpark after training and proceeded to tell me how inadequate my techniques were, how I was unready to grade and had a long way to go. Needless to say I felt bullied, and somewhat intimidated.
My partner is the instructor so obviously he was first to hear about the incident. (YEP I am a dob-artist!)
Tough guy was admonished etc BUT the biggest realisation for me about fear was the amount of fear that permeated this man who claimed to be unafraid of anything.
There I stood a much smaller, 40 year old female and yet this man felt he needed to push me around and cut me down...hmmm he was using threatening body language and words as though he was defending himself from something. What? Whatever my evolution in this martial art and life symbolised for him..that he was less than maybe, he was being left behind, that I, a woman (without the physical strength but with possibly more control of my chi) would be senior to him in the dojang.

His FEAR was taking over for him making his mouth say ridiculous things that would only serve to keep him in a lower belt status for MUCH longer (he was disallowed from participating in the grading or any gradings until further notice). His personal fear of not being good enough projected itself in my direction causing him to focus on my 'faults and inadequacies' instead of on his own.... 'protecting' him from having to face up to his own terror at being inadequate and possibly then the work he would have to do to bring himself to a level of adequacy that would satisfy him.... I can only speculate!

His attack on me served the opposite purpose than the one he was hoping for. Instead of me being broken by his comments and failing to grade, I chose instead to be motivated. I examined my confidence issues and my centredness...asking myself the question- how did I attract such a sledging so close to the grading, from a training partner no less (trust and family being highly regarded Hapkido values)?

I pulled in my energy and stood strongly in my power, forgiving him and using his words to draw out the best of myself on the day.

I now have my blue tip and I learned a lot. To blow my own trumpet I also received 'Highly Commended' by the senior instructor of surrounding region.


Suffice it to say FEAR is not our friend it is a smelly, noisy illusion that is doing it's best to keep our ego alive.
When we feel fear, it is an indication that we are forgetting our CONFIDENCE, our CALM and our CHI!

Ask your fear what it is covering and have the courage to face that directly, a little introspection may reveal something more beautiful than you have ever imagined.


For ways to develop emotional intelligence in your children effectively raising them out of social and personal fear please go to

To learn more about Fear and the EGO go to to watch Sean's compelling podcast!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Blue Bird- Bad, Mad and Mightily SAD!

Once upon a time there was a little bird, a bird so blue the colour shone through.

'Nobody loves me,' he tweeted, 'I'm ever so blue.'

He ruffled his blue feathers and sniffled on his branch.

'It's because I am blue. if I was yellow or green then surely I'd be easier to love. Everyone likes yellow or green birds.'

'OOOOhhhhhhhh!' He threw his little blue head back and wailed to the birdGod, 'why am I so blue?
I must be bad, like a rotten egg, putrid and foulsome on the inside.'

 The little bird thought, look at all those other birds they are flying here and there, looking purposeful all pink and brown.  Keeping busy all got friends and worms and nests to keep them safe and sound.
Here i am sitting on this branch....

'Why BirdGod is this happening to me? Is it because I laid that egg that didn't hatch- I'm so BAD. I should have sat on it!!! But I just wanted to sing a song in the tree over yonder...'

That was not an egg you silly duffer you are a boy bird, a little voice said inside the blue birds mind.
'Oh no, NOW I am hearing voices!' He put his wings over his ears, but that didn't stop the thoughts in his mind.

'I am MAD! He tweeted-The little bird toppled on his branch and a twig poked his toe.
'Everyone else seems happy, they're not hearing voices....Oh BirdGod help me, I am bad AND mad.

'I am SUCH a blue bird.'
Tears prickled the back of his eyes
Mummy pushed me out of the nest when I was such a small bird, I was gonna be a red bird until she did that and then I grew in blue, it's HER fault I'm soooo SAD!'

'I am bad, mad and MIGHTILY SAD!!' The little blue bird hopped from one foot to the other.

'Mummy what's that blue bird doing?' A little girl asked pointing up.
'Oh WELL SPOTTED darling, that's a special bird, a rare bluebird! take a pic with your iphone!'
'They are known as the philosophers of the bird world, they are restless creatures with lovely blue plumage but as they come into their prime they settle down and grow different coloured feathers everyday according to their happy thoughts.'

The little bird had been listening very closely to this conversation.

'Why didn't someone TELL me,' he chirped........'bloody mum!'
'A philosopher hey, Cool- I will recite a poem - blue blue blue me' oh the sky the feathers the lonely sea the sun is yellow my eyes are pink the night is quiet and the time is near
Oh blue blue blue how I love thee....'

Look darling,  the mother squealed we are witnessing a rare thing the feather's on the philosopher bird, they are coming through..are they yellow? Oh my what a beautiful shade of GREEN!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Anger Inside Me- Revelations On Taming The Wild Beast

Anger flares up, out of nowhere at the most irrational things.

I AM standing in my Hapkido class, the instructor (also my husband) grabs my arm expecting me to execute a technique and escape his grip. Anger BURSTS inside my chest!

Being a seasoned feelings witnessor I notice that I wish to throw myself down and curl up, screaming! I want to give up, blame the instructor and express loathing and contempt.

WOW, what an amazing reaction to have to NOTHING. I choose to do martial arts, in fact I LOVE it. And once I push past my initial reactions and do a few techniques I am happy as a larry again! (this happens a lot btw, but I'm working on it!!)

I can only put my my reaction down to early programming, possibly something like- 'DO THIS RIGHT OR ELSE.'
The early expectation to achieve and please programming (done inadvertantly by our parents, teachers, religion) seems to lie at the root of a spectrum of human disorder.

We are so naive and eager to please when the programming takes place, we are certain it is possible to meet these expectations. We believe everything our BIG GODS say (there may be a connection to our personal perception of a creator and our relationship with our parents.....but that's another story) so we assume it is possible to fulfil the unrealistic expectations of others. We feel a sense of betrayal by our SELVES and by our parents when it becomes clear that the task is impossible. Following the betrayal is deep hurt and sadness.

When our sadness is left to fester unexpressed and unaknowledged  it becomes resentment and finally bursts out in anger.

Anger is debilitating. Some say it is motivating but I question anger as motivation. The sense of justice that may be there anyway might motivate but anger is a very firey beast and where there is fire there is smoke and smoke clouds vision.

Anger is a painful expression of energy that serves to unbalance the individual, disallowing clarity necessary for solution orientated thinking.

If the body responds in anger then it is an indication that there is an investment or attachment at play. Likely, the attachment is to an unresolved incident from your past rather than an attachment to the actual situation before you now.

People use anger to justify their own bad behaviour and attempt to gain dominance in the moment.
Mostly we are expressing anger at things and situations of which we are completely guilty ourselves.
We bark at dogs to 'SHUT UP!' and then wonder why they bark back!
We bully children into submission- do this or else...and we wonder why our playgrounds are full of bullying.
We feel that if we are able to quieten another's opinion with our anger or threat (anger) then we are justifying our position.

Anger is a protective instinct associated with times of hard living, hand to mouth, ensuring survival in physically challenging conditions.Once upon a time warning sounds or actions that have since got out of hand and become a measure of our sanity.

I know that on a day when I am nourished, hydrated, have had sleep and feel good, my kids can throw most anything at me and I will not be phased.
Have me wake up on the wrong side of the bed, however, forget to nourish and hydrate myself I can soon find myself spiralling into emotional neglect. Anger will take this opportunity to leach into my interactions, making the easy situations of yesterday seem provocative and insurmountable today.

Anger is UNresolved childhood attachments attempting to break free and causing havoc in the process.
Anger needs the guidance of an unconditionally loving parent (you now).

The anger you see everywhere about you, creating terrorism, from the miniscule to the major, is the same fire and emotion that YOU feel when you have forgotten to be centred in the now, when you are breathing shallowly instead of nourishing your body with oxygen and calm, connecting completely to your inner power.

To TRULY live NOW and reach your potential as parents, educators, lovers, workers and friends you MUST address your anger. Acknowledge the feelings as they arise and neutralise the emotional triggers by breathing and forgiving.

The willingness to feel the sadness underneath the angry reaction is paramount, loving the self, caring for the self, forgiving the self and others for your past.

Detach from yesterday, find your space in the now, become aware and let your anger dissolve in the AWESOMENESS that is your life

EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique is excellent for neutralising emotional triggers that cause anger

To find out how to develop emotional intelligence in your child or classroom please go to

To learn more about Anger and it's societal ills please check out Sean's easy to understand and compelling podcast at

Monday, March 21, 2011

Worry and Fear- Does it Block True Compassion?

When I am in a state of worry, am I centred in the now with a clear mind and a calm spirit?
The answer is a resounding NO!

Is it possible to truly connect with another being or situation if you are in the past regretting or in the future worrying? NO again!

Being somewhere other than here and now makes it impossible to be soulfully and emotionally connected.

You need energy to care but energy is being used to soothe the ego as it clings desperately to morbid fears and flounders in a sea of self-absorption.

True compassion comes from a courageous and in depth exploration of the personal value system in relation to the external world.

For example- My child is using bullying tactics to manipulate another into behaving as he/she desires.
I can attempt to address the situation as it stands, in ways familiar and comfortable to me, ie- stand over my child and explain the ins and outs of bullying and tell them not to and even yell a bit, possibly with little or no lasting success. (This is how things are generally done!)


I could take the time to examine my life for moments when I have used bullying tactics and manipulation. I can ask myself 'What motivated me to act in this way?' I can explore my judgements around this behaviour, on myself and others. I can see that we ONLY do what we know until we know something more or better, until we discover another way to be! AND then I can approach my child with my new understanding. I can sit down and explain, I can access humility. My child can see and hear and FEEL my integrity and changes begin to miraculously happen!

This idea can be successfully applied to many a context; social, global and personal.

If I am going on about the state of terrorism in the world...'OH the VIOLENCE....THOSE PEOPLE' and then turning around in the next minute from my comfy lounge and hissing at my partner, I am NOT exhibiting true compassion for the global situation I am using/displaying 'False' compassion to make my ego feel important and look like it cares, when in fact it is simply relieved that there is stuff going on in the world that supports it's own inner turmoil!

Ooooh what a tangled web we weave!

If I look at the violence on tv and I think back on my life, acknowledging my own violent attitudes, my racial prejudices and my motivation for these values- re-frustration at not being heard, fear of not being good enough and WORRY for my ego/identity's survival. I will have a humility and an understanding that will make me a true advocate for peace. I will cease to judge so harshly and thus extend clarity of mind into effective solution making and true, helpful compassion. (plus I go on to teach by example all those I then encounter...... seems worth it to me!)

When I am worrying I am giving into a wounded ego. An EGO fraught with the fear of non-existance!

It is interesting to me the lengths we go to support our identity; I AM ARNA and the things I worry about are- my finances, my health, my children, my relationship, my world...etc Lots of 'My's' and 'I's' in that sentence. More than enough worries to keep me cloudy and out of the loop!

Allowing myself to release my attachment to the future and of non-existance, stands me in much better stead to EXIST in a substantial way with true compassion and a YUMMY DOSE OF INTEGRITY!


To learn about developing emotional intelligence in your children please go to
The I AM Program

To learn MORE about how to de activate your ego's control in regard to Worry and Fear please visit
I AM Spirituality


Thursday, March 17, 2011

I AM Japan- Embracing The Reflection

My heart aches as I watch the mothers, the fathers, the clinging and the rubble.

Compassion extends as the old men weep and the children's big eyes look at a civilisation teetering on the edge of collapse.

Who am I? I ask myself in the midst of such devastation, I AM Japan.

I AM an Earth bucking and moaning under the weight of an evolving consciousness.

I AM millions of years of unconscious slaughter, of lacksadaisical raping and pillaging of denegration and retribution.

I AM witness to an overturning and an emptying  I AM witness to the mass agreement of change.

NO Blame.

I AM that I AM

Willing to grow, willing to change, willing to be free

My intention is evident in my reflection

I AM Japan